📸Screenshot taken by Dread Knight
Hear that?
It’s the stampede of Palians running to Jel’s shop because of all the new customization options we’ve added! New hair styles, facial hair, eye colors, and skin tones are now all available for you to choose from. 🙌 Several other player-requested features and improvements are the star of this patch, so read on and see for yourself!🌟
At a Glance
- A bunch of free character customization options have been added! 🧔
- Mining nodes now have a chance to drop Starstones — and villagers love them! ✨
- Rummage Piles left behind by chapaas can now be discovered throughout Palia. 🧺
- Several limits associated with the Housing Plot and decorating have been raised. 🏘️
New Features & Quality of Life Additions

You can now freely change several character customization options at Jel’s shop. 🪞
- This includes your body type, skin tone, face type, and eye color.
- We’ve also added in…
- 8 new skin tones
- 16 new face options
- 14 more eye color options
- ⚠️Note: This has a one-week cooldown that resets the same time as Weekly Wants (around Sunday 8:00 PM PT/4:00 AM UTC) — so be extra sure of what you want your new look to be!
Tons of FREE customization options have been added to the wardrobe! 🧔
- The following have been added:
- 11 new hairstyles
- 8 more hair color options
- 9 new facial hair options (under the Face Cover tab)
- 3 new glasses

Mining nodes now have a chance to drop Starstones — and villagers love them! ✨
- 10 Starstones have been added: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Citrine, Emerald, Garnet, Jasper, Onyx, Quartz, Ruby, and Sapphire.
Palians who enjoy mining can now expect a nice bump in income thanks to Starstone drops. They can sell for quite a decent amount of gold, with some rarer and more valuable than others. Villagers also appreciate receiving them as gifts — giving a Starstone that aligns with their Star Path will be treated as a Loved Gift (but on a weekly cooldown), and you’ll even receive some exclusive dialogue lines. We look forward to seeing Palians discover more of the lore behind this interesting facet of Majiri Culture.
Build the home — or homes — of your dreams now that building limits have been raised! 🏠
- The limit for total placeable items has been raised: 2,000 → 3,000
- The limit for total housing add-ons has been raised: 15 → 30
- You can now place multiple Main Houses on the same plot!
- ⚠️Note: Each Main House can have a max of 15 add-ons, and the 30 building limit applies regardless of combination.
Since Open Beta, we have seen so many incredible housing plots and have been blown away by the creativity of our players. We can’t wait to see even more amazing plots with these changes.

Rummage Piles left behind by chapaas can now be discovered throughout Palia.
- You might be able to find something valuable! …or not. 🤭
- ⚠️Note: You can scavenge up to 1 pile per real-life daily reset (8:00 PM PT/4:00 AM UTC).
- Exclusive items include 9 possible recipes from the new Kilima Rummage Piles decor set, and 5 newly added Found Item Quests.
They say one chapaa's trash is another human's treasure.
A new furniture set has been added to the game: The Kilima Rummage Piles Set.
- 9 new recipes have been added, and most are basket themed! See if you can find them all. 🧺
- As the name implies, these recipes can be found exclusively within Rummage Piles throughout Kilima Village.

Five new Found Item Quests have been added.
- These are exclusive to being started from items found in Rummage Piles!
Expect about 60% more Palium nodes now available in Bahari Bay! 💎
This will be a first step in the direction we want to take regarding the availability of Palium nodes. While the resource is intended to be a rarer one, it’s not meant to be to the point of competitiveness. Palians should feel comfortable playing how they want to — whether it’s more of a solo style, or together with friends.
Fishing hotspots in Bahari Bay have been improved. 🎣
- All hotspots will now respawn faster.
- Several new hotspots have been added across a few locations.
- We also fixed some hotspots specifically in the Flooded Fortress (Bahari Bay) area.
Certain quests that involve looking for an item will now have a search area effect on the Map for guidance.
Premium Store Updates
Three New Outfit Bundles have been added to the Premium Store.

- Featured Outfit: The Plushie Pal Bundle (1700/Outfit, 3400/For all 3) includes Lilypad Leaper, Bamboo Bandit, and Redland Rover outfits.
- Each outfit comes with a hat accessory, a top, and bottom.
- The Snowseer Bundle (1275/Outfit, 2550/For all 3) includes Crystal Glade, Capital Finish, and Blizzard Walker outfits.
- Each outfit comes with a hat accessory, a top, and bottom.
- The Sunkissed Bundle (850/Outfit, 1700/For all 3) includes Village Breeze, Floral Shower, and Mossy Mist outfits.
- Each outfit comes with a top and bottom.
Why is there a weekly cooldown to change certain character customization features?
We have limited the window for players to change their appearance to once-a-week because we want you to have a strong connection with your character. Just like in the real world, you can switch up your hairstyle and outfits as often as you like in Palia. But we like to keep aspects that make up your core identity a bit more steady when it comes to features like your face and eye color, as it helps you and your friends recognize each other in the game.
When will the Spooky Moon decor no longer be available?
October may have come and gone, but we’ve decided to give Palians one last chance to get their hands on these limited time items! Make sure to do so before the next patch, 0.173, as that’s when they’ll be leaving Kilima! 👋
Bug Fixes
Our devs fixed over 50 known issues this patch cycle - that’s a LOT of bugs! 🐞 Here are some worth celebrating listed below.
- Fixed an issue that caused rooms on housing plots to merge or overlap.
- The Pavel Family site at the Rememberance Garden is no longer invisible.
- When crafted, pieces from the Emberborn set are now marked with the “crafted” checkmark.
- When crafted, pieces from the Emberborn set are now placed in the “Furniture” tab of your inventory.
- If players have full inventories and they have space in their storage, they will no longer receive a "Wow, your inventory is full" error pop-up when trying to pick up their house, or housing add-ons.
- The quest "Wares in Low Places" no longer resets if you leave the Black Market before talking to Zeki.
- The Fishing Cast Speed description text now displays the correct information.
Badruu’s Level 4 Friendship reward is now placeable. Update, November 14th: Some players are still not able to place Badruu's Lute. We are on the case!
- Several bathtub and fountain decor now have the expected On/Off interactivity.
Improvements have been made around the world to prevent players from falling through terrain, or rocks from clipping into nearby hills.

Top Known Issues
Disclaimer: These are only a select few issues of many we’re aware of! For troubleshooting on common technical issues, please visit our Player Support page.
⚠️ Some players are experiencing a blank screen when attempting to purchase Palia Coins.
- We are currently investigating, and will provide an update as soon as it’s been resolved!
⚠️ There are ongoing issues with Achievements, including darkened silhouettes for previously caught critters and rewards not being granted.
- We definitely know how frustrating this is, and are working hard to get this complicated and interconnected issue solved as soon as possible. Thank you all for your patience as we investigate! 🙏
⚠️ Interacting with the Wardrobe while your character is stuck in the “missing textures & T-posing” appearance will cause your character to reset/change appearances permanently.
- You should now be able to re-customize in Jel’s shop to reset your character’s look!
Finally: We know localization is not up to our quality bar, and are taking active steps to improve the experience in many languages. This is an ongoing process, and we're sorry that we haven't lived up to your expectations or our promise to you, our players.
Expanded Known Issues List
Recently Added Known Issues
This section was updated November 14th.
- Exiting out of Jel's mirror, even without committing to any changes, will start the cooldown regardless.
- The Voice options in Jel's mirror do not play back any sound.
- Characters when previewing in Jel's mirror may appear small/zoomed out.
- The Chapaa Craze Hat, Chapaa Craze Hoodie, Plant Parent hoodie, and Outdoorsy hoodie have some flavor text that's a little...not cozy. This isn't intended!
- The Bookworm Bundle/Outfits are not available in the Premium Store. Please note this was due to an emerging issue we noticed with textures - they'll be back in 0.173!
- Certain recipes, such as Apple Pie, and Chili Oil Dumplings, will have the Cooking UI ask for different ingredients. This was not intended and is a visual error. Please cook the recipe based on the required ingredients prior to this patch!
- Secret ingredients have been added that weren't supposed to be seen just yet! Enjoy this sneak peek, but they'll likely be taken out in 0.173.
- The inability to place Badruu's Lute (Friendship Level 4 Reward) was reported as fixed in the patch notes, but still is not placeable as a decor for certain players.
- When players enter dialogue with a Villager, then go back into their store, your mouse cursor will still be onscreen.
- Party leaders cannot kick party members or change party leaders.
- Collections Emotes options reorganize while the player is adding emotes to their wheel.
- Ashura has some strange patching that will take him to a door in the inn, then teleport him immediately to his private space.
Around The World
- Climbing is not always a smooth experience, especially around Pulsewater Plains and Hideaway Bluffs in Bahari Bay, and an area near Leafhopper Hills in Kilima Village. We also observe difficulty with climbing ivy.
- There is long-term work being done to make all of climbing around Palia a better time!
- You will find the occasional invisible barrier, or are able to walk through seemingly solid objects.
- Stray gliders can be found scattered throughout the world. Sadly, this is not a new and unusual foragable.
- There are a collection of visual errors where items will “fade” in and out of view as you approach.
- There are areas where you might fall through the world, or get stuck in an unexpected corner.
- Typing /unstuck, or using the Return Home button on your map, will free you.
- The Pavel Family site at the Rememberance Garden is currently invisible, but can still be interacted with.
- The Whisper Chat defaults to yourself after exiting a Party.
- Sometimes players can still send messages in Community chat after being kicked from the community.
- There is no error message pop-up if you accidentally type an incorrect prompt in chat (for example, “/w” instead of “w/” to whisper).
- All chat channels are toggled “on” by default in the Lobby.
- Players will sometimes freeze when cooking.
- You can workaround this by opening and closing the ‘H’ menu.
- Sometimes, when you place a crop in a Preserves Jar, it does not go into the intended Jar. It instead is placed in the Preserves Jar adjacent to the one you placed it in.
- When fishing near Einar, players will have to cast out very far to avoid the dock despite the fishing indicator being blue.
Friends, Parties, & Communities
- Sometimes, Friend Requests do not appear in the social panel.
- Players suddenly exiting the game (using Alt+F4 or crashing, for example), may still appear active and in a party despite no longer being online.
- When a player blocks another player, the blocker is not removed from the blockee’s Social Panel Server section.
- Friend requests that have been denied will reappear upon relog.
- When in the Lobby screen, the ESC key and O shortcuts to access the social panel does not bring up the settings menu or toggle the state of the social panel.
- Player’s list of “Offline” friends is not minimized or collapsed by default.
- When in the Lobby screen, the Friend Request notification does not appear when receiving a friend request.
- Players are allowed to send Community invitations, even if their Community is full. Remaining invites will also not rescind when a Community reaches capacity.
- Your Party does not disband when there is one Party Member left after the Party Leader, or Member, leaves the game.
- Players do not receive a chat notification message when someone joins a party.
- Players do not receive a chat notification message when another player joins their neighborhood.
- Players who are in the same community OR in the same server, who send each other friend requests, may see location information (such as where one player is currently located in the world) in the social panel.
- Party invitations do not expire when a Party becomes full.
Housing & Furniture
- When Housing Permissions are updated, all current visitors will receive the same notification about an individual’s permission changes.
Menus & Interface
- The ESC key does not close the Repair Anvil as well as a few other menus. We are working on this for better consistency.
- When selecting an option in the Settings menu, the pulldown menu does not show “highlights” for your selection unless you are hovering right over the available text.
Photo Mode
- The camera function cannot be rebound from the "K" key.
- Party UI does not appear/disappear if a player takes a photo in-game before joining or leaving a party.
Quests & Villagers
- When completing the final puzzle in the Fire Temple, players might become stuck.
- Relogging should resolve this issue, and you will be able to speak to Hassian to complete the quest.
- The quest “Prove Your Devotion” is not accurately tracking the amount of Tree Seeds collected.
- Some items are invisible when placed in your home, like Einar’s Shiny Pebble and Jina’s flowers.
- In Private spaces, NPCs are not standing on their expected target points, which could result in you catching Zeki jumping on his bed.
- When completing the quest “Ancient Battery”, there is no text in the pop-up. There are no further steps you need to take!
- Ashura is teleporting from his morning workout routine straight to his fishing location at 10:15am Palia Time.
- Rescinding an expired Request does not work. These Requests will expire on their own after 2 hours.
- Requested items from other players will not appear until you’ve changed servers.
Visual, Audio, & Animation Bugs
- Friends in the Social Panel appear shocked by all these Emerging Known Issues! This is not intended.
- The Focus tutorial does not pop up to guide new players through an explanation of their Focus bar.
- UI buttons animate correctly but do not respond when clicked on their edges.
- A visual issue where when playing with a smaller screen size, or in windowed mode, the clothing icons in the wardrobe display covers the “continue” button.
- Terrain and foliage pop in and out during Welcome To Palia Cinematic.
- There are a collection of visual errors where items or environments will “pop” in and out of view as you approach.
- There are a handful of icons that do not match their item. This also applies to accomplishments rewards, like the Bug Catching accomplishments.
- After using the bow or smoke bomb, players can sometimes lock into the hunting pose.
- The Honey Lure animation does not loop properly.
- There are two signs showing in the Housing Plot opening cinematic.
Wardrobe & Premium Store
- Premium Store outfit thumbnails appear slightly greyed/muted in color until players hover over them.
- When players are transitioned to the Wardrobe, or Dressing Room Menu, they see glimpses of a black screen with UI, terrain, and an empty wardrobe menu with ”No Matching Results”.
- It will return to the expected appearance shortly after.
- Hair Dye Patterns do not display a pattern in the UI. The swatches appear as blank circles.
- The Emote button has returned to the wardrobe! This button is not functional, and will disappear again in a future update.
- When selecting the Pet tab, the Emotes menu appears instead.
To access Pets, click Emotes, then Pets again.
Thank you for reading this far! Please enjoy this leafpile of Palian festivities 🍁!