Patch Notes 0.188: New Beginnings Update



At a Glance

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Palia’s latest update brings new beginnings with Zeki’s Loyalty Club, the return of the Luna New Year celebration, new decor, and more!

  • Introducing Zeki’s Loyalty Club: a new Palian rewards program coming soon! 🏆
  • The Luna New Year celebration returns to the Kilima Village Fairgrounds! 🎪
  • Say “I do” to new Wedding Decor! 👰
  • The Premium Store is stocked with new outfits, pets, gliders, landscapes, and Tool Skins! 🐍
  • …and more!

Table of Contents

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New Features & Updates

Zeki’s Loyalty Club Coming Soon

Coming soon: everyone’s favorite entrepreneurial Grimalkin’s latest enterprise offers membership to a loyalty club that rewards Palians with bonus Palia Coins… just for logging in!

Zeki’s Loyalty club is a new way to purchase Palia Coins, allowing you to get up to 1325 Palia Coins for the price of 425 Coins! You can buy Zeki’s Loyalty Club directly from the Premium Store for the same price as our smallest Palia Coin bundle. Here’s how it works:

Each time you purchase Zeki’s Loyalty Club, you will:

  • Immediately receive 425 Palia Coins
  • Claim 30 Palia Coins each day you log-in! If you miss a day, your next log-in allows you to claim up to 60 Palia Coins. Unclaimed Palia Coins do not stack beyond the 60 Palia Coins maximum
  • Extend your active Zeki’s Loyalty Club membership by 30 days (unless you are at or near the 180-day cap; see below).


You can keep an eye on your active remaining days by referencing the Zeki’s Loyalty Club ‘date tracker’ added to both the Premium Store and the Inventory tab on the player menu.

You can claim your daily log-in Palia Coins when playing on any supported platform (PC or Nintendo Switch). However, the Palia Coins always redeem on the platform which you originally purchased Zeki’s Loyalty Club.

NOTE: You can only have Zeki’s Loyalty Club active on one platform, such as PC or Nintendo Switch. If you attempt to purchase another instance of Zeki’s Loyalty Club on another platform while you already have an active membership, you will only receive 425 Palia Coins (no duration extension).

The daily log-in reset timing occurs at midnight Pacific Time (08:00 UTC).

Zeki's Loyalty Club is available now!

Note: the program will roll out over the course of the next 24 hours. If Zeki’s Loylaty Club is not yet available for you, check back in a few hours!

Welcome to the club!

Celebrate Luna New Year

It’s time to gather and celebrate new beginnings with the return of Luna New Year to the Kilima Village Fairgrounds!

Starting on Thursday, January 23 through Thursday, February 20, the familiar Maji Market will transform to celebrate Luna New Year. The in-game event is a time for reflection, joy, and community spirit where the streets of the Kilima Village Fairgrounds are adorned with vibrant lanterns and the sights and sounds of a bustling night market celebrating prosperity.

Seq 188Login MajiMarketSign FG v1

Luna New Year patrons will remember the thrill of collecting Lucky Envelopes while enjoying the booms and bright lights from the evening fireworks show. All of these attractions are returning for Luna New Year, including:

  • Hot Pot: The Underground Black Market game-of-choice returns to its roots with the Luna New Year celebration.
  • Chapaa Chase: A night market staple, players can again expect to hustle and heave as many chapaas as they can.
  • Wish Tree: At the center of the fairgrounds stands the Wish Tree. Every real-world day you log-in, you’ll find a letter in the mailbox from Chayne that includes a Wish Ribbon. Stop by the Wish Tree to make your wish – it just might come true!
  • Zeki’s Prize Wheel: Feeling lucky, Palian? Spin Zeki’s Prize Wheel for a chance to win Gold, Lucky Envelopes, or a Zeki Coin.
  • Stamp Cards: The fan-favorite Stamp Cards have been reset, allowing players to earn Stamp Card rewards.
  • Treasure Chests: Search high and low to unveil all the secret chests hidden in new locations with new rewards.

As you play minigames, make wishes, and shop the market, you’ll earn Lucky Envelopes to trade for exclusive rewards from vendors. Many decor items, plushes, food dishes, and recipes return to the market, but players can expect some new additions listed below:

Item Loot / Craft / Purchase Location
Year of the Naga Plush Chapaa Chase Prize redeemable for 2000 Lucky Envelopes
Fireworks Wallpaper Redeemable for 4000 Lucky Evelopes at Zeki’s Lucky Catch
Naga’s Blessing Nameplate Redeemable for 6000 Lucky Envelopes at Zeki’s Lucky Catch
Year of the Naga Poster Redeemable as a Stamp Card reward
Lunar Anemone Flower Multiple instances redeemable via Stamp Card participation


NOTE: The Year of the Naga poster is time-limited to this year’s Luna New Year celebration. Last year’s poster will not be available for the 2025 celebration.


The Luna New Year celebration is a seasonal Maji Market event, so when the sun sets, make sure to head over to Kilima Village Fairgrounds at 6:00 p.m. Palia Time and grab all the exclusive rewards before the celebration ends on February 20. The recurring traditional Maji Market will return in March.

Happy Luna New Year!

Wedding Decor

Seasonal romance is no longer limited to made-for-TV-movies! You can now say “I do” to a new (tintable!) decor set that you can fully commit to in Palia!


You can recite your nuptials however you’d like using the Wedding Decor Set listed below:

Item Loot / Craft / Purchase Location
Wedding Arch Purchase from Tish’s register for 7340 Gold
Wedding Table Purchase from Tish’s register for 5010 Gold
Wedding Stanchion Purchase from Tish’s register for 5030 Gold
Wedding Scrolls Purchase from Tish’s register for 630 Gold

Note: Each recipe can be purchased for 300 Gold.

Potato Pod Log-in Rewards, Madrinas, and Makeship

The next batch of Potato Pod log-in rewards have arrived!

As always, the only way to receive a new Potato Pod is to log-in during the specified timeframe. You’ll need to log-in at least once between 10 a.m. PT on Friday, Jan. 24 and 10 a.m. PT on Tuesday, Feb. 4; and then again between 10 a.m. PT on Wednesday, Feb. 5 and 10 a.m. PT on Monday, Feb. 17.

You’ll receive one Potato Pod for each log-in reward period for an opportunity to earn a total of two Potato Pods for the duration of the New Beginnings update.

We’ve partnered with Madrinas to create the Maji Dragonfruit Charged Refresher! Players that order the beverage will receive a game code for a time-exclusive Madrinas Dragon Plush!

Note: A version of this Plush will enter Zeki's Wondrous Machine in a later patch.


Lastly, our partnership with Makeship was so nice we had to do it twice! Summon the power and charm of the Mini Maji Dragon Plush, available for pre-order now!

Improvements & Adjustments

Building Blocks Crate Snapping

Improved the usability of Building Blocks crates by adding new snap points on all sides of the object.

Quest HUD

Added new visual stylizations to help players better identify and delineate Main Story Quests, Standard Quests, and Event Quests on both the HUD and Quest Log.


Home Tour Item Inspection

Ever wonder what someone used to make that awesome water feature while on Home Tours. You can now press “G” on PC or “X” on Nintendo Switch to display the names of decor items.

Active Buffs Clarity

Players can now view active buffs from the Inventory tab on the player menu. Hovering over the active buff will display a tooltip with the buff name and description.

Premium Store Updates

Introducing Zeki’s Loyalty Club, coming soon! While we covered the new Premium Store offering in detail above, any updates or changes to the rewards program will be included in this section. We hope all you Palians enjoy the membership’s flexibility and affordability!

MAIN ZekiLoyalty 2

A new outfit collection has been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.

Seq 188Login SnakeLady Alt DSPlot

Collection Outfit Names Pieces Price (Per Outfit/Collection)
Naga's Blessing Foresight
Hat, Top, Bottom 2550 Palia Coins / 5100 Palia Coins

A new Pet has been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.

Seq 188 Kitsuu VIL

Pet Name Pets Price (Per Pet)
Kitsuu Ancient Kitsuu
Obsidian Kitsuu
Caldera Kitsuu
1275 Palia Coins each

A new Glider has been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.

Seq UmbrellaFly PG

Glider Name Price
Cheeky Umbrella 850 Palia Coins

A new Tool Skin has been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.

SerpentTouchedTools v2

Tool Skin Name Pieces Price
Serpent Touched Axe
Fishing Rod
Watering Can
425 Palia Coins

A new Landscape has been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.

Seq 188Login DragonShrine DSPlot v1

Landscape Name Price
Serenity Falls 1700 Palia Coins

Premium Store Updates - February 4

A new outfit collection will be added to the Premium Store from February 4 onwards, but you can preview in the Wardrobe now!

Seq 188Login MajiMarket HotpotFish FG v2

Collection Outfit Names Pieces Price (Per Outfit/Collection)
Local Catch Gillyfin
Stalking Catfish
Blue Marlin
Hat, Top, Bottom 1700 Palia Coins / 3400 Palia Coins

A new Glider will be added to the Premium Store on February 4.

Set Glider SoothSayer01

Glider Name Price
Soothsayer Glider 850 Palia Coins

A new Tool Skin will be added to the Premium Store on February 4.

Set ToolSkin Romantic01

Tool Skin Name Pieces Price
Matchmaker Axe
Fishing Rod
Watering Can
1275 Palia Coins

Top Bug Fixes

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Disclaimer: Please note this is not a comprehensive list of all fixed issues.


  • Fixed an issue where snowballs would produce an overly bright flash upon player collisions.
  • Fixed an issue causing Jel’s shop to appear displaced.
  • Added missing VFX to the Night Sky Temple cinematic.
  • Resolved a collision error that prompted player interaction inputs through walls.
  • Fixed an issue where mined ore floated unexpectedly.
  • Resolved an issue with a non-collidable cliff behind Hodari’s house that unintentionally trapped players.
  • Fixed pricing inconsistencies with some in-game items.
  • Fixed a collision issue in Bahari Bay causing players to fall through the ground.
  • Resolved an issue where pressing ESC during a cinematic sequence opened the menu behind the cinematic sequence.
  • Fixed instances where tooltips fonts appear smaller than usual.
  • Fixed issues with incorrect timing displays while playing Pop-A-Chapaa.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented players from completing the Cat’s Outta The Bag quest.
  • Resolved instances of missing Villagers from the Kilima Village Fairgrounds.

Housing & Decor

  • Fixed an issue where an invisible wall could trap players in the Housing Plot.
  • Fixed an issue where the Winterlights Coat Rack was labeled the Makeshift Coat Rack.
  • Added the ability to ‘sit’ on the Homestead Small Bench.


  • Resolved alignment issues on the secondary Inventory tab.

Premium Cosmetics

  • Fixed an issue causing Premium Store Emote icons to stretch.
  • Adjusted night time interior lighting for better visibility in the Aurora Peaks Landscape.

Top Known Issues

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Disclaimer: Please note this is not a comprehensive list of all known issues.

New to 0.188

  • While Building Blocks snap points have improved, players may notice they cannot snap blocks to the bottom of crates.
  • Some players may not be able to accept all friend requests.
  • While hovering over an item, there is a chance the tooltip will not display.
  • The Winterlights Warden outfit idle VFX could prevent players from viewing the results of a dice roll.
  • Some players may encounter a Tool Wheel issue where the player's tools no longer function. For a temporary solution, players should try inputs for Sprint and Glide at the same time.
  • Some players could experience on 'white screen' on the Housing Plot.

Other Issues

  • Players could notice collision issues with Tree Roots and Rocks in Bahari Bay.
  • The Flutterfox pet sometimes hovers above ground when colliding with walls of large buildings.
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