Patch Notes 0.189: Kilima Couture Update


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At a Glance

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Fashion is in full bloom with the Kilima Couture update! This update is all about self-expression, bringing fresh ways to decorate, collect, and customize.

  • Introducing Stickers: a free new way to express yourself! 🎉
  • Kick back and relax with some Spa Day Decor! 🏖️
  • Come out of your shell and collect some highly-anticipated new Plushes, Flowers, and a Tint! 🐌
  • Free colors for new Eyeliner Makeup! 🎨
  • The Premium Store is serving fashionable new looks, a cosmic Landscape! 👗
  • …and more!

Table of Contents

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New Features & Updates

Introducing Stickers

Never miss another callout when you equip Stickers, a free new way to express yourself and communicate on-the-fly with your fellow Palians!


"We've heard from many players who use controllers that they want better ways to engage with chat. We think Stickers can help these players communicate in a fun and playful way, as well as offer unique new collectibles that encourage even more self-expression.

Players that hop in-game following the update will immediately earn eight free Stickers that can post to chat. When identifying whichStickers will post to chat, we looked at the most common phrases players used in Palia and custom-built Stickers and messages that match the player's intent.” -S6 Forseti

While we want to focus on streamlining the most critical communications through the initial 8 free Stickers, most Stickers are about enhancing expression. The more than 40 Stickers earned via drops by engaging in various skills, such as Insect Catching, Fishing, etc. will not post to chat, and are intended to be collected. Just like Plushes, some Stickers are more rare than others… so you’ll want to check out the Sticker Trading Kiosk in the Underground Black Market to complete your collection.

Note: You cannot trade the batch of 8 Stickers you initially start with.

We don’t want to spoil too many Stickers, but keep an eye out for some of our personal favorites (hehe), including: This Is Fine, So Fierce!, and Looking Stylish!

S6Fav Stickers

Note: Some Premium Stickers will be added to the Premium Store periodically starting with the two Stickers listed in the Premium Store section below.

Spa Day Decor

Transform your Home Plot into a tranquil retreat with the Spa Day Decor, featuring everything you need to create the ultimate relaxation experience from the comfort of your Palian home.


Players can acquire the Spa Day Decor set from Tish’s Furniture Store via Furniture Making Medals.

New Plushes, Flowers, Makeup and Tint

Shell-ebrate the good times with two new Plushes that’ll literally give you butterflies!

189 plushies

The highly-anticipated Garden Snail Plush is a rare drop that you can get by catching the Garden Snail.

The Rainbow Tipped Butterfly is a rare drop that you can get by catching the Rainbow Tipped Butterfly.

189 Flowers

And your Home Plot will bloom when you place these new floral additions! Three new flowers have been added, including:

  • Pinky Pom-Pom: Seeds dropped from the Gossamer Veil Moth.
  • Pale Paintbrush: Seeds dropped from the Brighteye Butterfly.
  • Nandina: Seeds dropped from the Spitfire Cicada.


Lastly, the Alabastor Tint [we acknowledge “Alabaster” is misspelled, hehe] is available immediately for all players at the mod bench! Swatch-up the look of our Decor when you try out this sleek white tint.

ICYMI: Zeki’s Loyalty Club Available Now

ZekiLoyalty Gif

Zeki’s Loyalty club is a new way to purchase Palia Coins, allowing you to get up to 1325 Palia Coins for the price of 425 Coins! You can buy Zeki’s Loyalty Club directly from the Premium Store for the same price as our smallest Palia Coin bundle.

Learn more here. Welcome to the club!

Spring Season, Free Makeup, and Log-in Rewards

Shake off the cold and Spring into the season of growth and adventure! Spring has arrived in Palia, bringing a fresh burst of color and warmth from Kilima Village to Bahari Bay!

And you’ll want to soak in the sun with a dash of glam when you rock Eyeliner colors, our debut of free color enhancements, with more types of Makeup coming soon!


As always, log-in at least once between 10 a.m. PT on Wednesday, Feb. 19 and 10 a.m. PT on Tuesday, Mar. 4; and then again between 10 a.m. PT on Wednesday, Mar. 5 and 10 a.m. PT on Monday, Mar. 17 to collect some free rewards that we think will Stick!

Improvements & Adjustments

Compass Icon

Added updated icons to the compass to reflect specific Quest Types.

Villager Background ‘Glow-up’

When speaking with Villagers through the door of their private space, the background now reflects the private space location.


Premium Store Updates

Two new outfit collections have been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.

Set LongCoat01

Collection Outfit Name Pieces Price (Per Outfit/Collection)
House of Omiata Ready to Wear Hat/Hair, Top, Bottom, Cat Eye Eyeliner 1950 Palia Coins

Step into style with the House of Omiata, a sleek and modern ensemble that exudes confidence and sophistication. This sleek, fashion-forward ensemble features a bold new eyeliner, with a removable jacket and necklace for customizable style. Whether you're making a statement or keeping it effortlessly cool, the House of Omiata ensures you're dressed to impress in Kilima and beyond!

Set Miner02

Collection Outfit Name Pieces Price (Per Outfit/Collection)
Proper Prospector Surface
High Wall
Hat, Top, Bottom 1275 Palia Coins / 2550 Palia Coins

Inspired by Hodari’s rugged expertise, this mining-ready ensemble blends style and grit. With durable details and a fit for any excavation, you’ll be striking gold in both fashion and fortune!

A new Pet has been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.


Pet Name Pets Price (Per Pet)
Cloud Sprite Fluffy Cloud Sprite
Stormy Cloud Sprite
Sunrise Cloud Sprite
Sunset Cloud Sprite
1275 Palia Coins each

This adorable little Cloud Sprite is all sunshine and smiles, floating by your side with the cutest expression. Light as air and full of charm, it’s the perfect companion for every adventure!

A new Glider has been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.

Seq UmbrellaFly PG

Glider Name Price
Spring Showers Umbrella 850 Palia Coins

A new Tool Skin has been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.

Set ToolSkin Spring01

Tool Skin Name Pieces Price
Spring Floral Axe
Fishing Rod
Watering Can
1275 Palia Coins

A new Landscape has been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.

VoidPlot PatchNotes

Landscape Name Price
Unknowable Expanse 850 Palia Coins

“This Landscape is more experimental than Landscapes we’ve previously released. We’ve been impressed by so many players’ creations with building blocks and other items that we wanted to give a space that was designed intentionally for creating unique experiences. While we were developing the Landscape (and building some jumping puzzles of our own), we realized it might be fun to remove collision with the placement area - so this plot has a unique feature where a player can turn ground collision on and off. While we’re not entirely sure what players are going to do with this Landscape, we trust that some amazing creations will happen with it.

-S6 Forseti

A new Emote has been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.


Emote Name Price
Umbrella Twirl 425 Palia Coins

Two new Premium Stickers have been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.

Seq 189 AnimatedStickers

Sticker Name Price
Sorry! 100 Palia Coins
Chapaa Roll! 200 Palia Coins

Note: Premium Stickers are not tradeable.

Top Bug Fixes

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Disclaimer: Please note this is not a comprehensive list of all fixed issues.


  • Fixed an issue with the Tool Wheel that causes tools to no longer function as expected.
  • Addressed known cases of the screen becoming white. Note - please continue to report instances of this occurring, including details of your location and actions just before it happens.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to water Flow Trees on the Housing Plot.
  • Fixed Villager issues in the Maji Market. They should now arrive and travel to their intended locations.
  • Fixed missing player collision on cliffs through the map.
  • Restored special water bank effects at the Dragon Shrine’s entrance for players on Nintendo Switch.
  • Fixed some instances of players needing to restart the game application completely on Nintendo Switch when returning to the game after sleeping or losing connection.
  • Fixed an issue on Nintendo Switch where the game could become unresponsive after putting the console into ‘sleep mode.’

Housing & Decor

  • Modification Bench preview now correctly updates without requiring manual rotation.
  • Building Blocks now properly snap when placing one underneath another.
  • Fixed music state issues when swapping between Landscapes.
  • Fixed the icon for the “Me n' My Honeybunch Plush” to be unique again.


  • Players can now properly select gifts after speaking to Villagers.

Premium Cosmetics

  • Fixed an issue where equipping a Mask and certain Hats would make the character appear bald.
  • The 'Primary Color' option now correctly integrates with Foresight and Prosperity variants of the Naga’s Blessing outfit set.
  • Saved Outfits with a custom transformation : swapping between the same outfit in different options properly swaps in the intended timing as opposed to immediately to the new color or options saved.
  • The Collections wheels have been adjusted in size with some navigation adjustments

Top Known Issues

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Disclaimer: Please note this is not a comprehensive list of all known issues.

New to 0.189

  • In Play Mode on the Unknowable Expanse Landscape, placeable Decor will appear off in the distance.
  • The Sticker Set accomplishment will not progress until the awarded players transition servers.
  • Items purchased in the Premium Store may incorrectly display a “Discount” label after the item has been purchased.
  • When a buff is active, the player’s Focus Bar could appear over-extended. However, this does not mean you have more Focus.
  • The Cloud Sprite pet could temporarily disappear when the player moves through tunnels.
  • Pavers display a single visual asset. Players who have placed pavers will see an incorrect paver asset. Newly placed pavers will also display as a single paver asset, and players will not be able to cycle through different styles.

Other Issues

  • In some instances, players can roll dice faster than text inputs can display.
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