The Shepp Program

The Shepp Program: Mentors in the World of Palia

Within the world of Palia, Shepps are guides and mentors that help new villagers understand the customs and traditions of the new village they wish to become a part of. Once the Shepp feels a new villager is ready to officially become a part of the community, they will speak for them at their Acceptance Ceremony.

Early on, we recognized the incredible passion, love, and work that many of our community members were bringing to our social spaces. Through your dedication, the Palia player community has grown from a loosely connected group of interested individuals and play-testers to a warm, welcoming, and constantly growing community.

We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have such a wonderful community, and quickly started daydreaming of ways to promote even more player involvement. We’ve already seen the amazing things you can do - from Fanart roundups to ‘Wikibot’ knowledge powerhouses - and we wanted to celebrate that, and build a foundation for you all to grow even more. And thus, the Shepp program was born.

What Is the Shepp Program?

The Shepp Program is part of our dream to elevate and give back to the Palia community.

  • Shepps are outstanding community members who have earned a ‘Badge of Honor’ for their dedication to Palia and Palia’s community, both in and out of game. They align closely with the Community team of Singularity 6 as mentors, guides, and trusted game experts.
  • While there are no time requirements or commitments, the program is designed to be fun and engaging and Shepps are encouraged to maintain an active and present part of the community.
  • Many of our potential Shepps already enjoy being unofficial ambassadors - this program is designed to recognize them and celebrate them for the work they are already doing.
  • As trusted ambassadors and voices of the community, Shepps may be granted access to important in-game information or opportunities to communicate with Singularity 6 outside of what would normally be possible for an average player.
Shepp Core Values
  • A Passion for Palia
    • A deep dedication to the world of Palia and the Palian community
    • Gameplay Consistency - keeping updated with the growth of the game and lore
  • Lead with your Heart
    • Players may look to you as an example of appropriate behavior in the Palia community. They may ask for help or guidance.
    • If there is ever a moment when you feel uncomfortable helping a player with a dispute or situation, please reach out to a moderator or community team member.
  • Choose Joy
    • Building a beautiful world together takes work.
    • When in doubt, assume good intentions.
  • Honesty and Integrity
    • Shepps are the voices of the community and as such, are trusted and elevated.
    • Shepps are provided with channels to communicate with Singularity 6 that are not available to an average player.
    • We trust that you will remain honest with us - that you will communicate respectfully, but ‘keep it real.’
Highlighted International Communities and Servers

If you have founded an international language server for the Palian community and you want to have your server be featured as an International Community Server, please read the requirements below. Thank you!

International Community Server Requirements
These are Singularity 6’s requirements for highlighting a community-run space as an International Community Server:

  • Must primarily support a language other than English.
  • Must have a moderator team that represents 24 hour coverage.
  • Must adhere to the Shepp Program and Palia ToS, especially with regards to diversity and non-discrimination.
  • Server Owner must be in the Shepp Program.
    • You may apply to the Shepp Program and submit your community space or server for International Community Server consideration at the same time. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to find the link to the application form!
  • The Server Owner and Shepp must be conversationally comfortable in English.
    • This to support healthy communication between the Palia community team and the Server Owners.

We are not currently accepting applications to the Shepp Program. Open application periods will be announced over Discord or via Email. Thank you so much for your interest!

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Terms and Policies

Eligibility for Membership

To be eligible for the Shepp program, applicants must be:

  • At least 18 years of age upon submission of their application.
  • Within good standing with Singularity 6.
    • “Good Standing” is a term used to describe a qualitative relationship based on noted good behavior within the community. Final determination of whether or not a player is in good standing is at the discretion of Singularity 6.
  • Final membership decisions are at the sole discretion of Singularity 6.


  • The purpose of the Shepp program is to create a welcoming committee of community members to support their fellow players, our professional moderators, and create opportunities for them to engage with our Community team.
  • It is understood that Shepps are not professional moderators and will not be afforded the same permissions as professional moderators in the Discord channel.
  • It is understood that Shepps are not employees of Singularity 6, and do not speak on behalf of the company. As such, Shepps should not engage with the media on behalf of Singularity 6 or Palia. If approached by the media, Shepps should direct any inquiries to
  • As outstanding community members, Shepps may be provided with additional proprietary information of Singularity 6 from time to time. It is understood that Shepps may be required to sign, and abide by, the Singularity 6 NDA regarding this information.
  • If a Shepp is found to be impersonating an employee of Singularity 6 or leaking proprietary information that is subject to an NDA, it is understood that they are liable to be removed from the program at the discretion of Singularity 6, in addition to standard ramifications for such behavior, and any other legal remedies Singularity 6 is entitled to pursue.

Ceasing Participation and Removal.

  • Shepps may choose to cease their participation at any time and for any reason by sending written notice to the Community Lead of Trust and Safety via email.
  • Singularity 6 reserves the right to remove a Shepp at any time, with or without cause, at its sole discretion. If such a removal arises, Singularity 6 may provide a written notice of removal, but is not obligated to do so.

Meetings of Members.

  • Shepp member meetings will be available monthly at the start of the program.
  • This schedule is subject to change in the future depending on the needs of the game and the program.
  • Event meetings may be scheduled in addition to general meetings to account for upcoming events or activities.
  • Meeting attendance is not mandatory, and meetings are not required. Any and all necessary information that will be covered in a meeting will go out via email after the meeting.
  • All meetings, emails, or other communication is held subject to the Singularity 6 NDA.

Core Values Understanding.

  • All Shepps promise to abide by the core values of the Shepp program.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accountability.

  • Singularity 6 will not and shall not discriminate against member eligibility to the Shepp program on the bases of age, gender, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, economic status, and other diverse backgrounds.
  • Shepps will provide equal warmth, welcoming behavior, and access to events and activities to all members of the Palia community, regardless of age, gender, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, economic status, and other diverse backgrounds.
  • It is understood that to support a tolerant community, we must be intolerant of intolerance. Shepps will set the expectation of behavior for the community.
  • If for any reason a Shepp does not feel safe or comfortable calling out discriminatory behavior, we recommend you alert the Moderators or Singularity 6 Community Team immediately with the statement in question.


  • Singularity 6 has the ability and right to amend these terms at any time and for any reason without notice.
  • Members of the Shepp program may propose amendments to the terms at Member meetings, but all final decisions on amendments are up to the discretion of Singularity 6.
  • All amendments to these terms will be recorded and signed by members of the Shepp program.
© 2025 Singularity 6 Corporation. Palia, and any associated logos are trademarks, service marks, and/or registered trademarks of Singularity 6 Corporation.