Patch Notes 0.190: Tinker & Timber Update


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At a Glance

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Build and bounce into the Tinker & Timber update! This patch is tailor-made for you crafty creatives and arduous adventurers, offering new ways to decorate and turn your Housing Plot into your own personal playpen.

  • Create your own obstacle course with Sandbox Decor! 🥇
  • Tinker with some timber using the Builder’s Decor Set! 👷
  • Introducing a highly-requested feature: Mystery Outfit Gifting! 🎁
  • Keep your eyes peeled for April 1st! 👀
  • The Premium Store is serving darling (and rugged) new fits, the plumpest pet, and a plush Landscape! 🐖
  • …and more!

Table of Contents

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New Features & Updates

It’s Field Day in Palia… but way more cozy. Head to the Housing Store Store and purchase the Sandbox Signpost, Sandbox Bouncy Shroom, and Sandbox Timer to get started designing the high-octane, totally frenetic… or absolutely chill obstacle course of your dreams.


The Sandbox Decor includes three pieces to start, such as:

  • Sandbox Signpost – Mark the starting line, praise your friends, or leave an ironic “no jumping” note via this item’s custom messages viewable by anyone who visits your plot. Go wild (but keep it classy)!
  • Sandbox Bouncy Shroom – This mysterious mushroom totally sprouted out of nowhere… totally. This springy substance yeets anyone who steps on its burgeoning dome, making for some pretty sweet vertical vaults.
  • Sandbox Timer – Ready, set, GO! The timer is here to settle friendly rivalries, challenge your reflexes, or keep an eye on your homemade Akwinduu Chapaa (not advised). Tap the timer, and the countdown begins, with a shiny UI display tracking your time. But beware—once that clock starts ticking, you can’t pick it up, so make sure it’s placed just right before you press start.


Builder's Set Decor

Tinker with some timber using the Builder’s Set Decor. This set is packed with bridges, tracks, tools, and other industrial decor geared for you to craft your coziest path.


Read below for the Builder’s Set Decor items/recipes and their acquisition location(s):

Item Loot / Craft / Purchase Location
Builder’s Bridge #1 Recipe earned in the Builder’s Set Starter Pack
Builder’s Bridge #2 Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Bridge #3 Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Bridge Corner Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Bridge Curve Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Bridge Stairs Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Bridge Post Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Wooden Arch Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Coal Pile Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Wood Pile Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Lantern Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Mine Tracks #1 Recipe earned in the Builder’s Set Starter Pack
Builder’s Mine Tracks #2 Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Minecart Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Rail Stop Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Stamp Mill Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Hand Saw Recipe earned in the Builder’s Set Starter Pack
Builder’s Pickaxe Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Mallet Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Rock Pick Crafted from Inspiration
Builder’s Jackhammer Crafted from Inspiration

“This set features some unique capabilities with the Bridge and Mine Track pieces. These items can snap together to allow players to create a variety of paths easily. We’re excited to see how these elevate your housing plots!” - S6 Foresti

Introducing Mystery Outfit Gifting

One of the most wonderful aspects of Palia is our community. All you Palians have built an incredible culture of sharing, generosity, and helping each other in-game. Since Palia’s wide release, folks have continually asked for ways to share Premium content with friends, and we're thrilled to finally deliver our first gifting opportunity: Mystery Outfit Gifting!

MysteryGifting 1

Mystery Outfit Gifting allows you to surprise your Palia besties with Premium outfits, fully wrapped and at a massive discount! Our first gifting feature is designed to streamline the Gift-giving process to focus purely on the joy of gifting a lil’ surprise, eliminating guesswork and hassle while letting your thoughtful gesture shine through. And since every Mystery Outfit is worth more Palia Coins than you pay, you can be confident knowing you (and your friend!) are always getting a great deal.

How It Works:

  • Visit the new Premium Store and navigate to the Featured section.
  • Select Mystery Outfit Gifting for 795 Palia Coins.
  • Each Mystery Gift sends your friend a random Premium Outfit:
    • That they don’t already own
    • That has a base price that’s always greater than the price of the gift (e.g. more than 795 Coins)
    • Every outfit has an equal chance - so each top tier outfit is just as likely as any other outfit.
  • Choose a friend from your Friends List, add an optional personalized message, and confirm your purchase using Palia Coins.
  • Your friend will receive a notification with their surprise Gift!

This is our first gifting feature, but it doesn’t mean we won’t have others in the future. And as a reminder, Mystery Outfit Gifting is completely optional, and the feature is not required to acquire any content. If you want to learn more about Mystery Outfit Gifting, check out the detailed rundown here.

As always, thank you for making Palia such a supportive and vibrant community!

Maji Market and Log-in Rewards

Maji Market returns in the Tinker & Timber update! Players can explore the night market for a week between Tuesday, April 1 and Tuesday, April 8.

As always, log-in at least once between 10 a.m. PT on Wednesday, Mar. 26 and 10 a.m. PT on Tuesday, April 8; and then again between 10 a.m. PT on Wednesday, April 9 and 10 a.m. PT on Monday, April 21 to collect some free rewards!

April 1st


Improvements & Adjustments

Prologue Questline Quality-of-Life

  • We’ve made a number of adjustments to quests around Subira’s introduction in order to simplify the flow as well as ensure newer players avoid a brick wall of requirements.
  • Updated Strange Things Afoot to immediately start Fit for a Watcher.
  • Removed the requirement to complete Prove your Devotion in order for Fit for a Watcher to start.
  • The Order Decor recipes now require mid-tier materials instead of high-end materials.
    • ⚠️This change benefits all players, including those who already have this set.
  • Changed Your Order is Served quest objective. Players now give Reth ingredients for him to cook a carrot cake, removing the requirement for fruit.
  • Your Order is Served will only award the Petit Five recipe.
  • Oysters Akwinduu and Muujin Bahari recipes are now purchasable at the Cooking Guild Store.
  • Updated dialogue at the end of Extravagant Expectations to immediately kick off Troubled Waters.
  • Updated Troubled Waters to remove the Auni visit that starts the quest; players now go directly to the temple to meet Subira.

“When we first launched Palia in beta last year, the quest design looked a lot different than it does today. Through player feedback and iteration, we've arrived at a way of storytelling that is cleaner, more linear, and easier to follow. It was time to update some of those clunky older quests to remove points of confusion and integrate the storylines to meet those new standards. In addition, we never intended for Subira's introduction quests to be permanent when we released them - this has changed as we wanted everyone to have access to this content, and we built capabilities that allow villagers to show up on the map based on quest progress. If you’re in the middle of these quests, you may notice a bit of wonkiness as the quests update to their new intended order, but the hope is that this new quest experience will line up better with how we want to tell stories in Palia going forward.” -S6 Vega

Social Menu Sub-Menu

The social menu now has sub-tabs that group a few different lists of friends

  • All: Displays online Friends, Community Members, Server, and Home Visitors.
  • Community: Shows online Community Members.
  • Server: Shows players on the server and Home Visitors.
  • Offline: Shows your list of Offline friends.

Premium Store Updates - March 25

Three new outfit collections have been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.


Set Cute01

Collection Name Outfit Names Pieces Price (Per Outfit/Collection)
Darling Dollette Chérie Hat, Top (2 styles), Bottom, Eyeliner 1950 Palia Coins

Set LumberJack01

Collection Name Outfit Names Pieces Price (Per Outfit/Collection)
Rugged Lumberjack Pineslayer Hat, Top, Bottom 1275 Palia Coins

Set FlapperSuit01

Collection Name Outfit Names Pieces Price (Per Outfit/Collection)
Dapper Suit Fitzgerald
Hat, Top, Bottom 1275 Palia Coins / 2550 Palia Coins

A new Pet has been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.


Pet Name Pets Price (Per Pet)
Trufflet Frosted Trufflet
Tawny Trufflet
Muddy Trufflet
1275 Palia Coins each

A new Glider has been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.

Set Glider LumberJack01

Glider Name Price
Flannel Glider 425 Palia Coins

A new Tool Skin has been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.

Set ToolSkin Flannel01

Tool Skin Name Pieces Price
Flannel Axe
Fishing Rod
Watering Can
425 Palia Coins each

A new Landscape has been added to the Premium Store, available immediately.


Landscape Name Price
Plush Park 1275 Palia Coins

Premium Store Updates - April 1


Set GooglyEyes01

Glasses Name Price
VERY Serious Glasses 300 Palia Coins

A new Emote has been added to the Premium Store, available April 1.


Emote Name Price
Chef's Kiss 300 Palia Coins

Top Bug Fixes

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Disclaimer: Please note this is not a comprehensive list of all fixed issues.


  • Applied a fix for a commonly occurring Nintendo Switch crash.
  • Resolved an issue causing the game to randomly display a white screen.
  • Fixed a grammatical error in Jina’s introduction dialogue.
  • Corrected a misaligned asset on the General Store, preventing a tower from appearing as if it were floating.
  • Fixed an issue on Nintendo Switch where the game could become unresponsive after disconnecting from the network in specific areas.
  • Fixed an issue where two ‘Fire’ dialogue options appeared during a conversation with Hodari.
  • Fixed a bug in 'Furniture 101' where Tish and Jel’s dialogue locations were reversed.

Housing & Decor

  • Fixed an issue that caused brightness and shader issues after switching between Landscapes.


  • Resolved an issue where a missing field in profile updates was preventing information from displaying correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from rejecting party invitations.

Premium Cosmetics

  • Fixed an issue where refunding a transaction with a value greater than the player’s Wallet balance would result in an error.
  • All variants of the Cloud Sprite pet now correctly display their localized names.

Top Known Issues

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Disclaimer: Please note this is not a comprehensive list of all known issues.

New to 0.190

  • Some Builder’s Decor Set items might not yield craft XP for the player.
  • Some Series 1 Sticker Set accomplishments might now progress when opening Sticker packs until after a server transition occurs.
  • The player's input arrow could disappear from the mail list after closing the mail tutorial.

Other Issues

  • If a player is removed from a Housing Plot while the Social panel is open, the player could be ‘stuck’ on the menu screen requiring a game restart.
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